BCC Witness Protection), saving/loading the motion tracker data only works for the first tracker point. In filters with more than one Motion Tracker point (e.g.

This can be worked around by reinstating the missing preset and relaunching vegas or by saving the settings as a Vegas preset, deleting the filter, and loading that vegas preset in a new instance of the filter.

As a temporary workaround use low values near the default setting of 32. The Beat Reactor audio graph becomes less accurate as the Freqeuncy Resolution is increased to high values.It will be reinstated in an update release in the near future. BCC Optical Stabilizer does not appear in the initial 8.0.0 release.In Particle Emitter 3D, keyframing the Wind X/Y/Z sliders can yield unexpected movement of the particles and as a temporary workaround these parameters should remain static.To force cached frames to be recalculated you can make a tiny change to some paremeter in the effect which will refresh all frames without changing the overall look of the effect. If the parameter value is changed with the parameter control directly then this stale cache problem does not occur. This only happens if the keyframe in question is edited in the lanes or curves view of the animation timeline. In BCC particle filters if you change a keyframe for a parameter whose full animation history affects the particle rendering (such as the keyframed history of the particle emitter location), any previously cached frames that are more than one keyframe away from the changed keyframe will not be automatically recalculated.Integrated Beat Reactor added to many filters enabling audio driven animationīCC 8.0.0 for Sony Vegas - Known Issues and Limitations:.

Sony Vegas 11 (version 594/595 or higher) - 32 and 64 bit.BCC 8 for Sony Vegas supports the following host environments: